Moms at Sea Travel Team doing some “research” at Coco Beach Club at Royal Caribbean’s Perfect Day at Coco Cay private island.
Can you book directly through the cruise line and have a great experience? Sure! But simply put- if you don’t use a travel advisor you may be leaving support, money, or information on the table. And with so many ships to choose from, for families an experienced cruise advisor can ensure that you are selecting the best ship that has the resources your specific family needs. We know which have nurseries, splash pads for kids in diapers, height requirements for waterslides, and cabin configurations.
As your dedicated travel advisor and advocate, we are here to help you.
When you book through the cruise line with one of their agents, you are working with a respresentative of the cruise line who has the cruise line’s best interests in mind.
When you book with a travel advisor, you are working with some one who is representing YOUR best interests!
The world is yours to explore – here’s how we can help you exceed your vacation expectations:
We’ll add value to your vacation, offering knowledge that you will not find on cruise line websites. Expertise that only comes from first hand experience.
We know how to plan and execute incredible sailings – with the industry knowledge needed to pick the ultimate ship, cabin, and itinerary for your specific family
In today’s world, saving time is saving money – so we provide you with swift responsiveness that includes the attention to detail you deserve.
You’ll have comfort in knowing we’re there for you every step of the way
Now let me translate all that mumbo jumbo that into mom talk and give you the TL:DR
We build relationships with our guests. You call or email us, the same person, every time you need anything for your reservation. You don’t get a different person, who does not know the details of your family’s needs, and may not know how to appropriately advise you in your best interests. Remember, they work for they cruise line, not for you.
We’re going to save you money by finding the best cabins and resorts for your family that you may not be able to see from the consumer side. Then because we aggressively monitor for price adjustments, those savings go back to your pocket. Can I get a CHA-CHING?
We’re gonna give you all the deets to help you execute a flawless vaycay and have your family talking about how awesome mom is for years to come. We’re going to tell you the truth about what ships and resorts to avoid with kids and which are your best bets.
We save you time. You dont want to be on hold for two hours to change your dining time. Isn’t it crazy how kids need ALL THE THINGS as soon as we get on the phone? Zip us and email and with the click of a button, BINGO BANGO, voila. Done.
Our compensation is already built into your cruise fare. If you don’t use us, the cruise lines just keep it.
We give accurate information. We have seen the cruise lines tell guests that they are getting cabins and amenities that don’t even exist on the ship they’re booked on. The cruise line representatives have likely never been on any of the ships or even on a cruise at all. We have. A lot.
What specific things can we do to help you?
Book the best cabin for your family
Compare options
Change dining times
Adjust pricing if there is a lower price available
Change your ship, sail date, cabin
Arrange transfers through the cruise line
Provide insurance options
Advise on activities in port
Answer questions and help think through logistics
Help manage cancellations which typically happen during stressful times. We are here to take cruise stress off your plate.
I already booked my trip on Symphony of the Seas less than 30 days ago. Is it worth transferring to a travel agent? I like to have control over choosing the ports so I always feel like I’d be bothering someone if I wanted to get prices on a lot of different things, but now that I have a family of 5 I may need one
I’ll share a response I shared with someone earlier today on Facebook! You can always control excursions and everything in the cruise planner but we’re available to give feedback! We can be as hands on or off as you’d like. We work with cruisers who have sailed MANY times and just like the security we provide and like dealing directly with us and not the cruise line anymore. We also work with lots of new to cruise families that want lots of interaction- you set the tone, we’ll follow your lead! I always say creating the booking for a guest and helping them find the sailing is the EASIEST part of our jobs. After the booking we are available to answer any and all of your questions (correctly as cruise lines agents don’t know much about their own ships and most have never even set foot on a ship), price monitor and adjust with out you having the call the cruise line, make ay changes to your booking for you, advocate for you when things go sideways- which they do. I consider us like insurance as well- we hope your experience is nice and smooth but if, for example, the cruise line misallocates funds on your booking and its at risk of being cancelled (this happens with some lines ALL THE TIME we catch it and correct it with the cruise line because we monitor our balances daily- the cruise line doesn’t, they just cancel you. A bajillion things, most of which are important AFTER the booking. We’ve gotten guests onboard who forgot travel docs. We’ve helped guests rearrange plans during death of a family member so they don’t have to work directly with the cruise line. That’s just off the tops of my head.
Obviously, I’m biased but I also ran my cruise group and blog for 7 years before seeing how much people could benefit from a knowledgable TA and launched my agency. Jamie